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29 Mar 2007

Effects of a strength-training program in prepubertal Boys

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PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to analyse the effects of an eight-week strength-training program in prepubertal boys aged 10-12 years (age 12.1 ± 1,4 years; body mass 44,29 ± 10,46 Kg; height 145,28 ± 5,71 cm; body fat 26,96 ± 10,31 %), on self-image (S-I), muscular…

Autor(es): Prof .Dr. João Brito1, Dr. António Moreira 1
Entidades(es): 1 Sports Sciences School of Rio Maior – Polytechnic Institute of Santarém, Portugal
Congreso: III Congreso Nacional Ciencias del Deporte
Pontevedra– 29-31 de Marzo de 2007
ISBN: 84-978-84-611-6031-0
Palabras claves: pre-pubertal boys, strength training, muscular strength, Fat Mass, selfimage.


PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to analyse the effects of an eight-week strength-training program in prepubertal boys aged 10-12 years (age 12.1 ± 1,4 years; body mass 44,29 ± 10,46 Kg; height 145,28 ± 5,71 cm; body fat 26,96 ± 10,31 %), on self-image (S-I), muscular strength (MS), flexibility (Flex), body mass (BM) and percentage of fat mass (%FM). METHODS:: The subjects were randomised in two groups, the experimental group (EG) (n=12) and the control group (CG) (n=10). The CG didn’t practice any physical exercise, for besides the education physical classes. The EG performed 6 resistance exercises for session (Lat pulldown; Peck Deck; Pull Over; Leg Extention; Leg Press; Prone Leg Curl), 8-12 repetitions to volitional fatigue, with 70-88% of the 1Maximum Repetition (MR) estimated, 3 set for exercise, 3 times a week. RESULTS: Differences statically significant were found in MS in all the 6- resistance exercise, % FM, Flex and S-I. CONCLUSION: These results suggest the benefits that participation in a relatively short strength-training program may have in prepubertal boys for development muscular strength, flexibility, self-image and decrease fat mass.


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