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14 Feb 2008

Effect of ascent to a moderate altitude on muscle power

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The main objective of this study is to analyze the effect of changes in barometric pressure and air composition in muscular power on different levels of loads. To study this objective, a group (n=16), composed of male wrestlers competing at national and international levels, took part in this research.

Autor(es): Escobar R. (1); Feriche B. (1); Chirosa I. (1); Calderón-Soto C. (2); Chirosa L.J. (1); Olea F. (3); Mariscal M. (3); Bonitch J. (1); Rivas A. (3); Galilea P. (4); Riera J. (4); Arroyo M. (5); Padial P. (1); Gutiérrez J.A. (6).
Entidades(es): (1) Dpto. EF. Universidad de Granada; (2) Servicio Médico, CAR Sierra Nevada. CSD; (3) Dpto. Nutrición. Universidad de Granada; (4) CAR Sant Cugat, CSD; (5) Dpto. Fisioterapia. Universidad de Granada. (6)Personal de Formación e Investigación. Vicerrectorado de Investigación. Universidad de Granada. Spain.
Congreso: I Simposio de Entrenamiento en Altura
Granada– 14-16 de Febrero de 2008
ISBN: 978-84-612-2278-8


The main objective of this study is to analyze the effect of changes in barometric pressure and air composition in muscular power on different levels of loads. To study this objective, a group (n=16), composed of male wrestlers competing at national and international levels, took part in this research. The protocol was executed under normoxia (N, Granada) and after a sudden ascent to a moderate altitude (CAR of Sierra Nevada, 2320m, HH). The protocol consisted of a test of increasing loads (F-V curve) in the bench-press before and after the ascent to moderate altitude, determining the power (P) and velocity (V) at different loads and the variables related to the maximum power (MP). The results show an F-V curve significantly favored by HH, facilitating fast movements of the bar (p<0.05). Although the MP reached in HH and its linked load show few changes (527.11±104.19 vs 546.39±106.64W at 36.44±7.99 vs 34.70±kg to N and HH respectively), the V in MP is significantly higher in HH (1.06±0.12 vs 1.13±0.12m/s to N and HH respectively, p<0.05) also improving the maximum dynamic force after the ascent (82.44±19.59 vs 87.17±16.85kg to N and HH respectively, p<0.05). We can conclude that hipoxy and/or the changes in the air density with the ascent, favor the selective recruitment of morpho-funtional fibers in muscular actions of short duration. In turn this, improve the capacity to perform actions at high velocity and making training at moderate altitude


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