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14 Feb 2008

A methodology for the definition, planning and control of altitude training at 2,850 above sea level. Quito, ecuador

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When studying the literature and the most important and modern researches on altitude training carried out by Reib, Suslov, Iliev, Terrados, Saltin and others, who have defined the principles, regulations and procedures for altitude training, we can observe that it does…

Autor(es):MsC. Juan Alfredo Ranzola Ribas, Prof Jesus Brito
Entidades(es): Professor of Physical Education Department of Highlevel Sport, People’s Ministry for Sports, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
Congreso: I Simposio de Entrenamiento en Altura
Granada– 14-16 de Febrero de 2008
ISBN: 978-84-612-2278-8


When studying the literature and the most important and modern researches on altitude training carried out by Reib, Suslov, Iliev, Terrados, Saltin and others, who have defined the principles, regulations and procedures for altitude training, we can observe that it does not exist a proven methodology that can organize the process and distribute contents and training loads with their respective evaluations and controls of biological variables, taking into consideration the characteristics of sports and athletes that need this stage of the training process. For this reason, we have decided to put into practice a methodology to plan, control and evaluate all the components that affect the training process, and we intend to use the experimental method to prove our project. In that way, we seek to increase the competitive performance of athletes in a short term, by controlling and avoiding the biological invasion that emerge with the influence of the environment and training loads before competition. The study was conducted with a sample of 571 athletes of the National Teams of Athletics (10 Km.), Track Clycling, Football, Wrestling Freestyle and Greco-Roman (male and female), Boxing, Judo (male and female), TaeKwonDo (male and female), and Swimming. It was carried out right before the Panamerican Games of 2003 and 2007, the Central American and South American Games 2006 and the Bolivarian Games 2005. It was proved that the programs with training loads caused a significant increase in the competitive performance of athltes, which constitutes a working rule for our Department of High-level-Sport.


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