A project for the education psycomotor for developmental age
A project for the education psycomotor for developmental age
Numerous studies of locomotion have given motor activity, play, nonverbal communication, dialogue tonic-emotional body, the expression of physical self a key role in the educational process in childhood. Psychomotor approach comes in contrast to the traditional concept of physical education as physical training aimed at improving enforcement of the factors of movement, control and motor performance; favors is the psychological dimension of movement affective, cognitive and relational. Psychomotor approach has attempted to overcome the opposition dualistic mind-body, typical of our Western culture, according to which the activity is higher intellectual and spiritual as opposed to physical activity.
There is no single treatment method or technique psychomotor but depending on the school is seeing changes that may intrude into deep diversity. Numerous studies of locomotion have given motor activity, play, nonverbal communication, dialogue tonic-emotional body, the expression of physical self a key role in the educational process in childhood.
Psychomotor approach comes in contrast to the traditional concept of physical education as physical training aimed at improving enforcement of the factors of movement, control and motor performance; favors is the psychological dimension of movement affective, cognitive and relational. Psychomotor approach has attempted to overcome the opposition dualistic mind-body, typical of our Western culture, according to which the activity is higher intellectual and spiritual as opposed to physical activity.
There is no single treatment method or technique psychomotor but depending on the school is seeing changes that may intrude into deep diversity. There do so many schools of thought on the psychomotor (Psychomotor schools) that are part of the distinguished scholars who have excellently distinguished for their research and ad hoc experiments, we would include in particular: Julien De Ajuriaguerra, Aucoutourier Bernard, Andre Lapierre, Pierre Vayera Jean Le, Boulch.
Psychomotor education – education that we have proposed and disseminated within the project represents a kind of cross training methods and multidisciplinary profitably use the indissoluble union body – mind in order to encourage school student performances, especially in subjects with impaired learning and / or behavior management.
For performances mean especially all those factors intimately involved in education – school education, such as attention, motivation, self-control, management of emotions and behavior, selfefficacy, self-esteem. The body – mind in this context is a vital and valuable learning tool, through which you can promote the development of many areas which constitute the social and school integration.
The project is aimed at all students with disabilities present in the Institute, students who have learning difficulties and / or behavior management.
The project proposes the following purposes: the acquisition value of the body, through the experiences of activities and sports, expression and relationship, depending on the formation of a stable and balanced personality; achieve complete development of body and motor of the person through the refining capacity to use the physical and neuromuscular function; support forms of assertion of personal identity based on the perception of its possibilities and its limitations, but also with the desire to improve, doing physical activity with fun and serenity. create the conditions for which the student can experience a direct and practical, respects the interests and individual skills, enhancer their self-efficacy, self-esteem and autonomy, projected into a social exchange that enriches one another. deepening theoretical and operational activities and sports that, even giving space to the personal attitudes and propensities, conducive to the acquisition of transferable skills outside of school (work, leisure, health); the evolution and consolidation of a balanced social consciousness, which seeks to foster cooperation, respect of rules and assumption of responsibility.
promote the acquisition of proper psycho-social behavior by promoting the conquest of autonomy, self-control, emotional balance and sociality; the ability to analyze practical situations; improve the expressiveness and body language; reduce anxiety, agitation, insecurity gradually restoring confidence in our abilities and within their means; increasing the hours of attention, promote learning motivation, stimulate curiosity; promote inclusive education and social to the student active? protagonist of educational incentives to the discovery and understanding of the task; teach respect for social rules enhancing personal autonomy; correct and safe use of space and equipment and adoption of health behaviors in compliance.
To promote awareness and perception of the body (body schema) by the perception of size and body positions, the relationship between different body segments and the relationships between body segments and the environment (things and people); motor action to adjust its spatial parameters and time-space; learn the function of dominance and lateralization; capacity building conditional or physical mobility as joint mobility, strength organic general, speed, muscle strengthening osteo-dependent natural exercise control static and dynamic balance; improve traction even on a global educational activities using backing tracks, the eye-hand coordination and breech, the general dynamic coordination, basic motor patterns (walking, running, jumping, throwing, pulling, climbing etc.). spread the practice of relaxation in physical activities including through educational knowledge and awareness of their breathing.
The project also based its assumptions on the enhancement of the game intended as an important resource to help pupils’ motivation. In the context of recreational physical activities are designed and lose the character of approx ¬ enforceability simple: The game captures the interest, sti ¬ grinding the active and creative support for acquiring abi ¬ tion and skills, according to the rhythms of each.
Through all games of psychomotor type, in fact, were never darken ¬ between multidisciplinary and cross-cutting objectives envisaged in the curriculum developed by the do ¬ cent and every recreational activity is designed aiming at the development of precise motor skills base. The game also exercise motor loses its character as a “performance”, urging the participation of even more fearful and less gifted students. This is a holding place “with the body and mind”, in which the physical component adds to the intellectual and creative ability, and emotional dimension, so the different input and dif ¬ ference of each is unique and fundamental. Very often the game, in the age of childhood and adolescence, is undervalued and regarded by adults as an insignificant and serious, given the task of “simple disfrenamento exuberant energy” or recreation ground unguarded. In reality we are facing a highly phenomena characterizing the evolutionary life, it is through play that you can experiment, learn, learn, organize mental processes, to keep alive and sustained attention and motivation to the task.
The adolescent and the child become easily into account the considerable difference between the game and simply fun. Each game necessarily presupposes a certain result and commitment, respect for rules and fair play and the times and rhythms of others, the ‘acceptance and promotion of diversity, asserting one’s personality and the esteem of others, the’ self-control, emotional control, everything falls heavily into a life project. Each person also learns more easily and over a period, when what it produces and produces emotionally and positively, this is particularly true in the boy with learning difficulties and / or behavior management.
The inclusion of the game “educational” in a training school may contribute significantly to the acquisition and development of the student skills of various kinds, from cognitive processes such as the construction of logical maps and conceptual networks and the ability to transfer knowledge to those relational and organizational as comfortable with themselves and with others, teamwork, orientation in different life situations, how to develop strategies and make decisions. The educational games are not merely “recreational spaces to be placed between a serious thing and another, but shall include students in research work, involving them in an educational dialogue with many voices. They are complex devices that combine leisure environments to learning problems that lead students to make use not only to disciplinary expertise, but all his intellectual resources, particularly its ability inductive and hypothetical-deductive.
They met ¬ tone in motion, soft skills related to appearance and cognitive ability to learn to learn: to confront a knowledge of questions, delivery, reflection, preparation of “data” acquired information holdings. Since each game puts participants before a delivery when the game becomes even disciplinary knowledge of a topic, the student is provided with ¬ duct to mastery of the specific knowledge, but also carries the transversal skills or those skills that can be used in each discipline area ¬ king.
Through play, moreover, the individual is introduced into a network of relationship that develop ¬ ing its social dimension. During their formation process, reminds us Vopel boys are called to place in a school hours and that no interest them spontaneously, as they are called to live and interact with teachers and classmates that may not harbor much sympathy. The teach ¬ ers are, in the eyes of students, adult strangers to them during the school journey, the student can put in opposing and conflicting attitudes such as opposition, sometimes the refusal, or admiration. Precisely because of this complex situation is ¬ school itself as “adapting ¬ to boot camp.” Teachers and classmates who are more dur ¬ you assist the student learning process.
The game, being part of the cultural sphere dell’infan ¬ aunt and adolescence, he lived in a spontaneous and natural as an inevitable communication and motivation that encourages interaction and discovery of new qualities in others.
Also, the use of games in class allows a reversal of roles with a consequent destabilizing effect on the classical school context: the teacher is no longer the holder / transmitter of knowledge, but becomes director of the training situation, rather learns all learners, also carriers and “creators” of shared culture. In this area of simulation and training the student can move in a climate less frightening and more attractive than the usual situation of ap ¬ alization. Even the mistake loses the connotation it is distressing because of a “bad mark on the record” and becomes an occasion to reflect on its strategic ¬ ogy and change it.
The best educators and psychologists who have studied education, at least the past fifty years, at some point you have set the problem of motivation ¬ tion and the involvement of the learner in the learning process. Dewey introduced the concept of active education, Bruner speaks of desire to learn, Piaget asserts that interest plays a crucial role in the development of intelligence and the other part is the development of mind which allows the child to become interested in certain problems . The game is likely to favor the onset of these motivational processes and active participation to be played as it should be understood: if a person wants to play tries to understand, that want to understand, learn. In the case of learning a game, “should” and “wants” are summed up in one attitude.
Nes ¬ sun game, individual or group work if there is active participation of the play ¬ tor, ie a full presence of the individual with his body and his mind. In this learning process, because ultimately “learning game” means being capable of certain behaviors, understanding and appropriating determinale rules (in some cases even “discover or define rules”) and the chin initial attitude, ie ‘interest in learning, active involvement, and any “reinforcements” to learn the form of satisfaction, approval etc.. are an integral part of the game itself. There is no game without all this, as there is no game without active attention, prolonged the duration of the game. The game is a learning approach based on fundamental premises. different from the teaching practices more widely. The first premise is that you learn through the teachings of someone, you learn experiencing the consequences of their actions.
Learning through play has a number of inherent advantages. One of them is certainly attention. Games push to focus more effectively than do other methods of education, because the student is involved in an active and not passive. The players are so deeply involved in a game and remain immersed in all of this artificial world. Another advantage of the games “school” as a means of education is the fact that they reduce the role of judge and jury generally assumed by the teacher. This role often gives rise to fear or resentment by students and raises issues of discipline. It can also generate flattery and adulation. Instead, the game puts the student can see the consequences of their actions in relation to successes and failures. In order to properly develop a sense of the consequences of their actions “the share of good fortune” of a game is very important. If a game is made by an appropriate combination of luck and skill, even people of different abilities can play together, and success will depend only partly on the capabilities of the participants.
From a general point of view, the use of games in school is a response to two challenges: that posed by a society complex and difficult to understand, and that constituted by the presence of children who have no interest or are not prepared to learn intellectual abstraction. If education associations in the extracurricular educational value of the game are beyond question, there is no denying that in Italy it is a marginal element in School Education. In teaching the recreational activity is enhanced in kindergarten, in which educational practice traditionally recognizes a central role, but his presence already is substantially reduced during the primary – while maintaining a space, in the range obligation in relation to forms of activity such as entertainment – and then to disappear almost completely to the next level. So there is usually a main use of the game in the fas ¬ cia preschool, then it gives it a significant role in structuring mental habits and behaviors are fundamental to any acquisition but at the same time it defines so much less the scope and limits to learning discipline.
From a fate, then, it underlines the irreplaceable role, it devalues the other, considering it unsuitable for more complex operations. Instead the game allows you to perform operations with the concepts introduced, for ¬ formulate conjectures and assumptions based on information received, submit mo ¬ of representation of reality, according to a theory explaining the phenomena considered, teach students to manage and monitor theoretical models; ren ¬ DERE discussion vehicle of education and thus enhance the role of language. The attitude of problem solving can be found, thus, its com ¬ implements made in view, learning can be defined as global and general capacity building through the acquisition of particular knowledge. In terms of ¬ motivation, the ability to invent and discover answers and solutions are considered more productive to find ready-made, pre-determined. Another important feature of the game is recognized as the typical autoremuneratività, the ability to release the tension and settle the intellectual assets ¬ ty.
The playful moment it is configured as a space experiment, in which case the negative error, not a failure, a setback, but it is expected, and is itself a piece of information. Through the use of the game, you can then bring the possibility of not counting the col ¬ subjects but practical. The introduction of games in school undermines the concept of teaching authority ¬ ria: for this reason many teachers are reluctant to assume a role different from usual, as is instead required by the simulation games, fearing to venture into a path where they do not have more possession of the knowledge to be transmit ¬ cone. Also consider the game a practice related to childhood, so frivolous and without cognitive implications.
But if you believe that learning is an education, a pull together, rather than teaching, where only one (the teacher) gives a sign on the other, then even the school is no place for the game and the thin Intelligent pleasure of challenge it represents. The game is a great tool for participation, because being free, rewarding, motivating allows a continuous opportunity to allude to different realities. It opens many opportunities for children to become actors: they assume specific roles with specific rules, is a space of action where compliance with the rules is not interpreted as a rejection, but as the possibility of entering a different reality.
Also the game allows you to carry out a competitive group and / or collaborative offering at the same time, everyone equal opportunities. In short, the game is a possible way to “encourage children to take an active part in the learning process, as actors rather than spectators.” To play many guys neglect the study. But is it true that study and play are mutually exclusive? Plato says: “No force can remain in teaching ¬ soul …. When teaching children to use a kind of game, you will see clearer mind the natural inclination of everyone.” The goal must then be transformed into the study and play the game in learning activities.
The lessons lasted between 50 and 110 minutes depending on the needs of pupils, to previous experiences and difficulties encountered. The frequency was a weekly meeting, this time interval has allowed us to consolidate what has been learned, even considering that for some activities they have been strongly recommended revival in the family and / or peer group. In the initial phase of the lesson have always presented the objectives and purposes of the playmotor activities, explaining briefly the contents thereof, so as to facilitate understanding and enforceability of the task thereby increasing its significance. To increase the effectiveness and validity of the exercises, strengthen the body-kinesthetic sensations, check the psychomotor acquisitions has become pedagogically necessary to encourage students to constantly verbalization of motor actions produced.
The work environment is generally quiet and stimulating, with a serene and pleasant, favoring the educational dialogue. FIRST LESSON Introducing myself Psychomotor objectives: self-concept, body image, socialization, relationships with others, lateralization. Educational goals – teaching: self-esteem, self-control, management of emotions and behavior. Tools: a sponge ball.
Procedure: Place students in a circle who throws the ball to a partner must report his name aloud. The game gradually goes on to state names, the favorite subject, the sport, age, hobbies. Variants: throwing the ball in different ways, using hands, feet, the rest of the body. HISTORY – GEOGRAPHY – MATHEMATICS – SCIENCE Psychomotor objectives: self-concept, body image, socialization, relationships with others, lateralization, reaction. Educational goals – teaching: self-esteem, self-efficacy, insight, self-control, management of emotions and behavior, scientific vocabulary – mathematical and historical – geographical.
Tools: a sponge ball. Procedure: Place students in a circle, who throws the ball to a partner shall appoint aloud one of the four academic subjects. Who should receive a response indicating that the content has a relationship with the substance declared. It ‘important not to repeat the contents previously exposed to the group during the game.
For example, if the caster says mathematics, whoever receives the ball can say addition. Variants: throwing the ball in different ways, using hands, feet, the rest of the body, in whole or in part by replacing appropriate school subjects, during exercise psicoludica. SECOND LESSON Hit the BALLS Objectives Psychomotor: body image, space-time organization, lateralization, eye-hand coordination (eye-breech) and segmental, capacity modulation of force.
Educational and didactic objectives: self-esteem, self-control, management of emotions and behavior, problem solving, decision making, four mathematical operations on numbers (positive and negative), and multiple sub-meter, the difference between estimate and measure colors in English and French primary and secondary colors. Tools: 2 carpets, 1 circle, 2 tennis balls per pupil, 4 balls of different color than 4 cm in diameter, 2 balls of different color or material of 9 cm in diameter, a blackboard.
How to: outline the two carpets the sidelines, having within it the four colored balls of 4 cm in diameter, noting that each has a different numerical value between 2 and 5 (or 3 to 6). The student should ask in a circle at a distance of 4-5 meters from the end of the field, trying to hit as many balls in particular those from the highest value. Each student has provided two consecutive attempts to launch tennis balls at his disposal. Winner is the highest score.
The game continues by progressively adding the 2 balls of different color or material of 9 cm in diameter respectively, taking the meaning of subtraction and multiplication. If the player were to hit only one or two balls with a diameter of 9 cm, you will get a score of 0, in a situation where the player were to hit one of two balls with a diameter of 9 cm and one or more balls diameter of 4 cm, the value obtained by them is then added and acquired the sign of subtraction or multiplication (in relation to the ball diameter of 9 cm that was hit). Finally if the player hit both balls with a diameter of 9 cm and one or more balls with a diameter of 4 cm, addizionerà the value of the latter, being not overly penalize the score of the game.
Variants: using the feet instead of hands for the launch, increasing casting distance, doubling or halving the score got progressively increasing the numerical value of colored balls, 4 cm in diameter, decreasing the distance between the two carpets, inserting a ball of different color or material with a diameter of 7 cm which signifies the division series and observing the rules above.
Psychomotor objectives: self-concept, body image, socialization, lateralization, rhythm, orientation space – time, reaction, coupling and combination of movements. Educational goals – teaching: self-esteem, self-efficacy, problem solving, self-control, management of emotions and behavior, even and odd numbers, positive and negative, neutral.
Procedure: students without touching, begin to walk in a random order for the gym, the teachers explain aloud an even number (in this case the students will continue to walk) or odd (the students in this situation should instead run or walk Cross-step side). Then the teacher will also include the exposure of a positive number (in this case the students will walk backward) or negative (the students in this situation will run or walk with steps back side). Variants: with the teacher: students who throws a ball sponge in different mode, which sets out the number zero taken as the neutral (in this case the student must remain motionless).
Objectives Psychomotor: body image, space-time organization, lateralization, eye-hand coordination and segmental, capacity modulation of force. Educational and didactic objectives: self-esteem, self-control, management of emotions and behavior, problem solving, decision making, 4 math, fractions, percentages, relative numbers (positive and negative), and multiple sub-meter, the difference between estimation and measurement, colors in English and French primary and secondary colors. Tools: 10 cartons, 3 mini-frisbee different color, a circle, a blackboard. How to: have 10 cardboard boxes on the floor observing the following order: – 4 members to the wall; – 4 away from the wall, placed about 50 cm away from the first box.
Each box takes a different numeric value ranging from 3 to 10, for example the first box to the left of the front row will have the value 3, while the first box to the left of second row will have the value 7. The student should ask in a circle at a distance of 5-6 meters from the wall, trying to enter the minifrisbee in the boxes. Each student will have 3 consecutive launch attempts, the highest score wins.
Then add 2 boxes to take the mathematical value of the sign removal, therefore if the player were to hit only one or two boxes which are assigned the value of subtraction will result in a score of 0, in a situation where the player were to hit one of two boxes with the value of subtraction and one or more boxes which have been assigned the value of the addition, the value obtained by adding to the score will subtract purchase. Variants: increasing casting distance by multiplying or dividing the value of the boxes that were centered (maximum 3), doubling or halving the score progress.
Psychomotor objectives: the concept of self and others, body image, socialization, orientation spatial-temporal lateralization, and eye-hand coordination (eye-breech) segmental, pace, ability to modulate the strength, abdominal and diaphragmatic breathing. Educational and didactic objectives: self-esteem, self-control, management of emotions and behavior, problem solving, decision making, colors and numbers in English and French, the difference between estimation and measurement, and multiple sub-meter and kilogram, surface friction, lever , 4 math, fractions, percentages, numbers for positive and negative, primary and secondary colors, the rectangle in Greek.
Tools: 6 perforated cardboard boxes that serve as bridges, 6 lids of cardboard boxes that represent the drilled holes, six mini-golf clubs, 6 balls, mini-golf in various colors, a blackboard. Procedure: Place about 3 to 6 parallel rows of cardboard boxes and front drilled 6 holes corresponding to them. Each hole corresponds to a different score between 2 and 8 (or 3 to 9).
Each student (or groups of students) should try using mini-golf club to direct the ball into the hole. Then in some races need to address the ball through an act of nature expiratory. Each student has available a maximum of 2 consecutive attempts to launch pit, the highest score wins.
Variant: the teacher for each correct answer to the diverse multi-disciplinary issues will assign each group a positive score (depending on the difficulty of the argument) if the answer is correct, negative if the response was incorrect or partially correct. Using your hands or feet instead of minigolf club, increasing the distance between the box and the hole, doubling or halving the score gradually obtained by multiplying or dividing the value of the holes obtained (minimum 2, maximum 3).
Psychomotor objectives: the concept of self and others, body image, socialization, spatio-temporal lateralization, and eye-hand coordination (eye-breech) segmental, rhythm, modulation capabilities of the force. Educational and didactic objectives: self-esteem, self-control, management of emotions and behavior, problem solving, decision making, sports in English and French, the difference between estimation and measurement, and multiple sub-meter, surface, friction circle (circumference, radius, diameter, pi greek) rectangle (sides, perimeter, area), 4 math, fractions, percentages for positive and negative numbers, the geometric art. Materials: colored adhesive tape, 3 tennis balls per pupil, a circle, a blackboard.
How to: draw on the floor three concentric circles or rectangles of increasing diameter from the center, suitable distances of several centimeters. The innermost circle or rectangle will assume a greater numerical value (10 for example) than the outer two geometric figures (eg 4:07). Where the ball would stop outside the areas of reference will subtract a precedent set numerical value (eg 2). ).
The student should ask in a circle at a distance of 4-5 meters from the end of the field and will have three consecutive launch attempts, the player who scores the most points. Variations: using other tools such as mini-Frisbees, balls of 4-6 cm diameter balls fist, foot or using the mini-golf club instead of hands, increasing casting distance by multiplying or dividing the centered value of the figures (minimum 2, maximum 3), doubling or halving the score progress. Express scores instead of using numbers for fractions or percentages.
If you know Stole FLAG Psychomotor objectives: the concept of self and others, body image, socialization, relationships with others, lateralization, spatial-temporal orientation, global coordination, segmental and fine modulation of speed and strength, static balance – dynamic. Educational goals – teaching: self-esteem, self-efficacy, self-control, management of emotions and behavior, creativity, problem solving, insight, decision making, multiple and sub-metro, all school subjects. Materials: 1 desk, 2 badminton racquets, a paper tape, 1 roll metric, 8 balls of different color than 4 cm in diameter, stopwatch, blackboard. Procedure: form two teams, give each student a number, place players on a team in a row on the baseline, the other team should ask in front of the first in line on the opposite line.
The teacher line will be equal distance between the two teams, or in midfield, behind the counter, placing it above the racket with the left side above the 4 balls of different color than 4 cm in diameter, ditto on the right side of the bench . The teacher will call a number and immediately put a question on a subject at school, thus corresponding to the two players to enter the number in the field, but just before I hit the bank will be able to answer the question asked by the teacher. May occur during the game the following cases: if the student answered the question correctly earns a bonus of 3 points (the score in question may reflect the difficulty of the application and therefore be increased or decreased) and also with another law student to challenge the bat and carry walking balls attached as soon as possible to the baseline.
Once at baseline, every ball in less than 1 point penalty entails, is optional to take the herbal ball / and falls to the ground and place them on the racket (as this could also go to the expense in the final time). If the student has to strike the dealer does not respond or responds incorrectly to the question, in this case the student can answer the other team, but also fails to respond, both students return to their lines baseline and the run is not valid. The team that scores the most points and less time. In the presence of irregularities during the test the teacher can decide to add the final time a numerical value previously agreed in seconds (5 or 10 for example). Variations: To simplify the game may fix in advance the types of arguments that will address the questions, estimating the time made, doubling or halving the time achieved.
Psychomotor objectives: the concept of self and others, body image, socialization, spatio-temporal lateralization, and eye-hand coordination (eye-breech) segmental, rhythm, modulation capabilities of the force. Educational and didactic objectives: self-esteem, self-control, management of emotions and behavior, problem solving, decision making, cooperative learning, in English and French food, food pyramid and the Mediterranean diet, surface friction, triangle (equilateral, isosceles, scalene, sides , perimeter, area), pyramid (sides, perimeter, area, volume), multiplication table of 3, 4 math, fractions, percentages, numbers for positive and negative, still life art. Materials: 2 mats, 10 clubs, a circle, a medicine ball of 1kg of small arms, two balls of different color or material of 9 cm in diameter, a blackboard.
How to: delimit 2 carpets sidelines, provide training on the floor in the pyramid 10 clubs, according to the following 4 rows: 4 Clavette near the wall represent the food group of complex sugars (bread, pasta, cereals, potatoes, rice), 3 Clavette not far from the first form the group of fruits and vegetables, before the latter two have Clavette to represent the group of meat, fish and vegetables, as finally putting a tip of the pyramid Clavette as a symbol of sweet and fat from sauce. The student should ask in a circle at a distance of 4-5 meters from the end of the field, each Clavette is the numerical value of 1, each student or pair of students has provided two consecutive launch attempts, wins who scores the most points an individual or team.
The game continues by progressively adding the 2 balls of different color or material of 9 cm in diameter respectively, taking the meaning of division (time to represent antisalutisti behaviors: smoking, alcohol and drugs) and multiplication (represented pro habits – Health as motor activity and prevention). If the player were to hit only one or two balls with a diameter of 9 cm, you will get a score of 0, in a situation where the player were to hit one of two balls with a diameter of 9 cm and one or more clubs, the value obtained by them will add up and divide or multiply by 3 (in relation to the ball with a diameter of 9 cm that was hit).
Finally if the player hit both balls with a diameter of 9 cm or more and a addizionerà Clavette is the value of the latter, being not excessively penalize the score of the game. In case the student fails to hit any ball Clavette or subtract 2 points to the score of the game. Variants: using the feet instead of hands for the launch, increasing casting distance, doubling or halving the score got progressively increasing the numerical value of the various files, decreasing the distance between the two carpets, expressing the score and village / or percentage.
Objectives Psychomotor: body image, space-time organization, lateralization, eye-hand coordination and segmental, the ability to modulate the strength and speed. Educational and didactic objectives: self-esteem, self-control, management of emotions and behavior, problem solving, decision making, 4 math, fractions, percentages, relative numbers (positive and negative), and multiple sub-meter, the difference between estimation and measurement, air friction, trapezius (sides, perimeter, area) numbers in English and French works of art and artists on the back of the coins and banknotes in Europe.
Tools: 13 wheels, 6 chairs, 2 Clavette of different colors, go back with a pressurized ball, badminton racket with a flywheel, a blackboard. Procedure: Place 12 circles on the floor with the aim of forming a trapezoid, noting the following spatial order: – 5 members to the wall intended to form the front row; – 4 away from the wall, placed about 50 cm from the first circle, are the second row; – 3 before the previous ones, apart from them about 70 cm, the third row. In 3 out of 12 circles are placed two chairs that take the value – 2.5 euros, while in other 4 circles of chairs should be placed upside down (with the back resting on the floor) that will be + 3.5 euros.
After several rounds of play in other centrally put 2 circles 2 Clavette of different colors that will take respectively the value of multiplication and division euros x 2: 2 euros. The student should ask in a circle at a distance of 4-5 meters from the end of the field and will have two consecutive launch attempts (to be interchanged at the end of each round go-back and badminton racket ). Winner is the highest numerical value expressed in euros. Variants: increasing casting distance by changing the geometrical arrangement of the circles with the intention to form other figures, doubling or halving the score progress, expressing the score in village and / or percentage.
Psychomotor objectives: the concept of self and others, body image, socialization, relationships with others, diaphragmatic breathing and abdominal capacity modulation of the respiratory rhythm, segmental coordination. Learning objectives – education: self-esteem, self-efficacy, self-control, emotional control, problem solving, decision making, the measure of time, the multiple sub-minute cylinder (radius, height, volume), addition, multiplication and division, musical instruments breath, vegetables in English and French, still life art. Materials: stopwatch, a plastic straw and a glass per pupil, the chickpeas (just slightly larger than the diameter of the straw), newspapers or books of 20 x 30 cm, a blackboard. Procedure: Each student (individually or in pairs, challenging other students) using the straw will have 2 minutes to draw as many vegetables and let them fall into the glass (at a distance of 20 cm).
Where the legume during the test were to fall to the ground must never be collected, instead assuming that the pulses should fall on the newspaper or book can be easily sucked through a straw and placed inside the glass. At the end of the test are counted pulses contained within the glass, the highest score wins. In the presence of irregularities during the test the teacher can decide to add after the final count of pulses previously agreed a numerical value (10 or 15 for example). Variations: use different types of vegetables, estimating the extent achieved by doubling or halving the score progress.
Psychomotor objectives: the concept of self and others, body image, socialization, relationships with others, lateralization, spatial-temporal structure, static and dynamic balance, modulation of force, segmental and global coordination, fine. Educational goals – teaching: self-esteem, self-control, management of emotions and behavior, creativity, artistic expression, basic knowledge on the human body.
Procedure: Divide the class so that they form pairs, in turn one of the components of the pair will act as a mirror, he must imitate finely each motor action (even order) of the companion that will simulate the act of the mirror. Steal ball Objectives Psychomotor: body image, space-time orientation, lateralization, eye-hand coordination and oculus – breech, segmental, ability to modulate the strength and speed, relaxation, diaphragmatic breathing and abdominal, auditory and visual perceptiveness. Educational and didactic objectives: self-esteem, self-control, attention, self-efficacy, management of emotions and behavior, problem solving, decision making, cooperative learning, circle (circumference, radius, diameter, pi greek), 4 mathematical operations on numbers (positive and negative), and sub-multiples of the kilogram, on the Archimedes principle of floating bodies immersed in a fluid, the water element in art, hydropower, nomenclature of the main elements characterizing the geometric shapes in English and French. Materials: 7 balls, 1 blackboard. Procedure:
Students sit cross-legged on the floor and make a circle, the center of which sits a companion (chosen after a draw) that acts as guardian to 7 balls arranged attron him. Students sitting around the circle, one at a time to signal the teacher should try to steal a ball approaching silently. Each ball corresponds to a point gained. But when the “attendant” hearing a noise and realizes that someone is approaching the ball yells “Eureka”.
Then if a student is actually taking away the ball, is a role reversal, so the “guardian” is part of the circle, while exposing the student takes his place. The teacher in case of irregularities during the course of the game subtract 2 points for each student held responsible for the negative behavior. Variants: using the feet instead of hands, doubling or halving the score got progressively increasing or decreasing the number of balls.
Another factor which strongly characterized the training was the phase of feedback, that time has allowed it: to reflect together on activities, to verbalize feelings, talk about self and others and to express opinions, expose critical proposals.
Sitting, looking at each other and gradually learning to listen and speak ¬ tion, allows greater participation of all pupils. It should initially lead the conversation by asking questions relating to awareness of the work, the index of choice, the motivations that have influenced the victory or defeat. Initially it was necessary to invest time in learning to sit and being actively involved, overcoming the turmoil and confusion excitement of a victory or a defeat, but by inducing tolerance and acceptance of ideas others. Pupils gradually appreciated this moment of exchange and sharing, fully understand the characteristics and dynamics.
We would like to conclude by thanking sincerely the families, teachers and pupils who believed in the value of education – training of the project. We hope for the next school year riattuazione of a school project, with the dual purpose of being able to devise other varied recreational activities – motor multidisciplinary and cross (as we believe that there are limits to human imagination and creativity) and to revise the kids a cognitive attitude – emotional – positive and mature relationship.
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