+34 96 633 71 35

19 May 2015



ISBN: 978-4-7700-2762-7
Editorial: KODANSHA
Sinopsis: At last, the complete and authoritative introduction to all the fundamentals of Aikido, coauthored by the two direct successors to the Founder of the martial art, Morihei Ueshiba. Coauthors Kisshomaru Ueshiba and Moriteru Ueshiba, son and grandson of the Founder, seek to carry on his legacy and to share with the millions of men and women around the world practicing Aikido today the most important techniques and principles of the art. This book is the quintessential training aid for all Aikido practitioners — whether beginning or advanced — who wish to further their understanding of the forms and spirit of Aikido.
Underlying the forms, or physical techniques, are the spiritual principles of Aikido, which are based on the notion of ki, or life force.” Ki is the fundamental element to understanding Aikido. But as the authors explain, it cannot be learned merely by watching a demonstration or reading a book. Rather, one must come to experience it through practice, in unifying body and mind.
Best Aikido helps guide the practitioner to this goal. It offers step-by-step instruction that will complement knowledge learned in the dojo. The text is illustrated with a wealth of never-before-seen photographs that feature Aikido master Moriteru Ueshiba demonstrating the fundamental techniques of the art.
Best Aikido is authorized by the Aikikai Foundation, the central organization set up by Morihei Ueshiba. Chapter One: Preparation for Training

1. Stance (Kamae)
2. Combative Distance and Eye Focus (Ma-ai and Me-tsuke)
3. Etiquette, Formal Sitting, Knee Walking (Rei, Zaho, Shikko)
4. Foot Movement (Unsoku)
– Basic Step (Ayumi Ashi)
– Continuous Step (Tsugi Ashi)
– Sending Step (Okuri Ashi)
5. Body Movement (Sabaki)
– Irimi (Entering) (against a punch)
– Irimi (against a jo attack)
– Tenkan (Pivot Turn)
– Katate-dori Tenkan (Body Turn when held by one wrist)
– Tenshin (Sweeping Body Turn)
– Tenkai (Revolving Turn)
6. Breakfalls (Ukemi)
– Back Breakfall (Ushiro hanten ukemi)
– Front Breakfall (Zenpo kaiten ukemi)
– Full Back Breakfall (Koho kaiten ukemi)
– Pinning Technique Breakfall (Katame waza ukemi)
– Side Breakfall (Yoko ukemi)
7. Hand-Sword (Te-gatana)
8. Warm-up Exercises for the Wrist (Tekubi Kansetsu Junan Ho)
– Kote-mawashi Ho
– Kote-gaeshi Ho
9. Back Stretch (Haishin Undo)
10. Body Turn (Tai no Tenkan)
– Shiho-giri (Omote)
– Shiho-giri (Ura)

Chapter Two: Fundamental Techniques

Throwing Techniques (Nage-waza)
1. Irimi-nage (Entering Throw)
– Katate-dori Irimi-nage (ai-hanmi)
– Shomen-uchi Irimi-nage
2. Shiho-nage (Four-Directions Throw)
– Katate-dori Shiho-nage (ai-hanmi) (omote)
– Katate-dori Shiho-nage (ai-hanmi) (ura)
– Katate-dori Shiho-nage (gyaku-hanmi) (omote)
– Katate-dori Shiho-nage (gyaku-hanmi) (ura)

Pinning Techniques (Katame-waza)
1. Dai-Ikkyo (Pin Number One)
– Katate-dori Dai-Ikkyo (ai-hanmi) (omote)
– Katate-dori Dai-Ikkyo (ai-hanmi) (ura)
– Shomen-uchi Dai-Ikkyo (omote)
– Shomen-uchi Dai-Ikkyo (ura)
– Shomen-uchi Dai-Ikkyo (suwari-waza) (omote)
– Shomen-uchi Dai-Ikkyo (suwari-waza) (ura)

Kokyu-Ho (Breath Power Training)
– Standing (rippo) (omote)
– Standing (rippo) (ura)
– Sitting (za-ho)
– Tenchi-nage and Breath Power

Chapter Three: Basic Techniques

Throwing Techniques (Nage-Waza)
1. Irimi-nage
– Yokomen-uchi Irimi-nage
– Katate-dori Irimi-nage (gyaku-hanmi) (irimi)
– Katate-dori Irimi-nage (gyaku-hanmi) (tenkan)
– Tsuki Irimi-nage (irimi)
– Tsuki Irimi-nage (tenshin)
– Ushiro Ryotekubi-dori Irimi-nage
2. Shiho-nage
– Yokomen-uchi Shiho-nage (omote)
– Yokomen-uchi Shiho-nage (ura)
– Ryote-dori Shiho-nage (omote)
– Ryote-dori Shiho-nage (ura)
– Hanmi-hantachi Katate-dori Shiho-nage (omote)
– Hanmi-hantachi Katate-dori Shiho-nage (ura)
– Ushiro Ryotekubi-dori Shiho-nage (omote)
– Ushiro Ryotekubi-dori Shiho-nage (ura)
3. Tenchi-nage
– Tenchi-nage (omote)
– Tenchi-nage (ura)
4. Kaiten-nage
– Katate-dori Kaiten-nage (uchi-kaiten)
– Katate-dori Kaiten-nage (soto-kaiten)
– Tsuki Kaiten-nage
– Ushiro Ryotekubi-dori Kaiten-nage

Throwing and Pinning Combination Techniques (Nage-katame Waza)
1. Kote-gaeshi
– Shomen-uchi Kote-gaeshi
– Yokomen-uchi Kote-gaeshi
– Tsuki Kote-gaeshi (irimi)
– Tsuki Kote-gaeshi (tenshin)
– Katate-dori Kote-gaeshi (gyaku-hanmi)
– Ushiro Ryotekubi-dori Kote-gaeshi

Pinning Techniques (Katame-waza)
1. Dai-Ikkyo (Ude-osae) (Arm Pin)
– Katate-dori Dai-Ikkyo (gyaku-hanmi) (omote)
– Katate-dori Dai-Ikkyo (gyaku-hanmi) (ura)
– Kata-dori Dai-Ikkyo (omote)
– Kata-dori Dai-Ikkyo (ura)
– Ushiro Ryotekubi-dori Dai-Ikkyo (omote)
– Ushiro Ryotekubi-dori Dai-Ikkyo (ura)
2. Dai-Nikyo (Kote-mawashi) (Wrist Turn)
– Shomen-uchi Dai-Nikyo (omote)
– Shomen-uchi Dai-Nikyo (ura)
– Kata-dori Dai-Nikyo (suwari-waza) (seated) (omote)
– Kata-dori Dai-Nikyo (suwari-waza) (seated) (ura)
– Katate-dori Dai-Nikyo (gyaku-hanmi) (omote)
– Katate-dori Dai-Nikyo (gyaku-hanmi) (ura)
– Ushiro Ryotekubi-dori Dai-Nikyo (omote)
– Ushiro Ryotekubi-dori Dai-Nikyo (ura)
3. Dai-Sankyo (Kote-hineri) (Wrist Twist)
– Shomen-uchi Dai-Sankyo (suwari-waza) (seated) (omote)
– Shomen-uchi Dai-Sankyo (suwari-waza) (seated) (ura)
– Katate-dori Dai-Sankyo (gyaku-hanmi) (omote: uchi-kaiten)
– Katate-dori Dai-Sankyo (gyaku-hanmi) (ura: uchi-kaiten)
– Ushiro Ryotekubi-dori Dai-Sankyo (omote)
– Ushiro Ryotekubi-dori Dai-Sankyo (ura)
4. Dai-Yonkyo (Tekubi-osae) (Wrist Pin)
– Shomen-uchi Dai-Yonkyo (omote)
– Shomen-uchi Dai-Yonkyo (ura)
– Katate-dori Dai-Yonkyo (gyaku-hanmi) (omote)
– Katate-dori Dai-Yonkyo (gyaku-hanmi) (ura)
– Ushiro Ryotekubi-dori Dai-Yonkyo (omote)
– Ushiro Ryotekubi-dori Dai-Yonkyo (ura)
5. Dai-Gokyo (Ude-nobashi) (Arm Extension)
– Shomen-uchi Dai-Gokyo (omote)
– Shomen-uchi Dai-Gokyo (ura)
– Yokomen-uchi Dai-Gokyo (omote)
– Yokomen-uchi Dai-Gokyo (ura)… ”

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