ISBN: 978-0-8048-4392-8
Editorial: VINTAGE
Sinopsis: Krav Maga: Real World Solutions to Real World Violence presents a no-nonsense approach to neutralizing attackers in close quarters. Author Gershon Ben Keren explains the philosophy behind the Krav Maga method, which is the basis of the Israel Defense Force’s (IDF) devastating close combat system. This book lays out a systematic approach to self-defense and provides illustrated confrontation scenarios paired with tailored practical responses.
Accompanied by clear, easy-to-follow photographs, practical combat skills are described in step-by-step detail, along with the movement patterns needed to make them effective in real-life settings. All of the photos in the book were shot in real-time, demonstrating what realistic movementsboth from the attacker’s and defender’s perspectivelook like. Where applicable, techniques have been shot in the scenarios in which they occur such as bars, restrooms, ATMs, etc. The situational components of such violent incidents are explained, so the reader can learn to identify, predict, and avoid violence before it occurs.
Contents include:
What is Krav Maga?
Krav Maga Yashir
Introduction to author Gershon Ben Keren
Basic Skills (Stances, Movement, Blocking and Striking)The Timeline of Violence; Controlling Range; Relative Body Positioning; Groin Kick; Driving Knee
Self-Defense ScenariosKnife Disarming; Gun to Front of Body; Abductions and Hostage Taking; Knife Shank; Improvised Weapons
Unarmed Assaults and Dynamic Components of ViolencePreventing a Front Headlock; Applying an Effective Guillotine; Defending Knees in a Clinch
and more!
Author Bio
Gershon Ben Keren has been training in Krav Maga since 1994 in both Israel and Europe. He holds a 3rd Degree Black Belt in Krav Maga in Israel, where he also received his teaching certification. He has been trained by some of the IDF’s (Israeli Defense Forces) most experienced and respected Krav Maga instructors. In December 2011, he was inducted into the Museum of Israeli Martial Arts” at the Israeli Martial Arts Center in Herzilya. He has taught Krav Maga to civilians, security personnel, law enforcement agencies, and to members of elite military units and Special Forces. He also holds a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Judo and has won regional and national titles in Judo tournaments.
He has a Master’s Degree in Psychology, with particular reference to violence and aggressive behavior, and incorporates this knowledge into the reality based self-defense training that he provides. He lives and teaches Krav Maga in Boston, running Krav Maga Yashir Boston.