+34 96 633 71 35

19 May 2015



ISBN: 978-0-7360-6068-4
Sinopsis: The strength training strategy of linear periodization has long been recognized as an efficient system of resistance training. But—until now—no one had researched and explored the potential benefits of a nonlinear periodization training program.

Authors William Kraemer and Steven Fleck delve into nonlinear, or undulating, periodization to examine how it can result in long-term fitness and performance gains by adding more variety to workouts and optimizing each training session. In doing so, Dr. Kraemer and Dr. Fleck pioneer this newest periodization training technique and have become the leading proponents of this unique training method. Their innovative approach to strength training is shown to facilitate the training process and enhance performance, a fact Dr. Kraemer has demonstrated in several ongoing studies with basketball teams at the University of Connecticut.

Optimizing Strength Training: Designing Nonlinear Periodization Workouts explains how nonlinear periodization works and then demonstrates how to create nonlinear periodization training programs, including programs for special populations. Readers will learn that by creating different workouts for each day, they can emphasize exclusive training styles in every workout to maximize adaptation as well as ensure adequate recovery from the rigors of training. Fitness professionals and coaches will discover that this unique training style reduces the boredom encountered when using similar workout protocols for two to four weeks at a time and therefore lends itself to creating a more satisfied client base.

Using practical and user-friendly terms, the authors provide the knowledge required for understanding nonlinear periodization and training principles, selecting acute program variables, and discerning the practical considerations of nonlinear periodization before undertaking training. They also provide sample workouts using nonlinear periodization methods and discuss critical assessment techniques for evaluating the effectiveness of a program and determining training readiness. Fifty case studies at the end of the text serve as an exceptional feature for grasping a realistic approach of how nonlinear periodization meets physiological and scheduling demands while achieving optimal training goals.

No other book on the market teaches how to design, implement, and assess a nonlinear workout program. With knowledge gained through Optimizing Strength Training: Designing Nonlinear Periodization Workouts, professionals, coaches, fitness enthusiasts, and students will find themselves on the cutting edge of resistance training, able to employ this unique method of training that leads to superior performance.
About the Author
William J. Kraemer, PhD, is a kinesiology professor in the Human Performance Laboratory in the department of kinesiology and the department of physiology and neurobiology at the University of Connecticut at Storrs. He is also a professor of medicine at the University of Connecticut Health Center’s School of Medicine in Farmington, Connecticut. Dr. Kraemer is past president of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and is a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). He was awarded the NSCA’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 1994 and the Educator of the Year Award in 2002. He is editor in chief of the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research and coauthor of Designing Resistance Training Programs, Third Edition, and Strength Training for Young Athletes, Second Edition.

Steven Fleck, PhD, is chair of the sport science department at Colorado College in Colorado Springs. He was head of the physical conditioning program for the U.S. Olympic Committee, served as strength coach for the German Volleyball Association, and coached high school track, basketball, and football. Dr. Fleck is past president of basic and applied research for the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and is a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). He was honored in 1991 as the NSCA Sport Scientist of the Year and in 2005 was given the NSCA’s Lifetime Achievement Award. He coauthored, with Dr. Kraemer, Designing Resistance Training Programs, Third Edition, and Strength Training for Young Athletes, Second Edition.
Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Periodization of Resistance Training

* Eastern European Influence on Periodization Training
* Classic Strength and Power Periodization
* Efficacy of Classic Strength and Power Periodization
* Nonlinear Periodization
* Efficacy of Nonlinear Periodization
* Efficacy of Session by Session Variation
* Impetus for the Flexible Nonlinear Approach to Periodization
* Summary

Chapter 2. Training Principles

* Specificity
* Progressive Overload
* Training Frequency
* Summary

Chapter 3. Acute Program Variables

* Exercise Choice
* Exercise Order
* Number of Sets
* Training Intensity
* Length of Rest Periods
* Summary

Chapter 4. Practical Considerations

* Comparison of Periodization Models
* Physiology of Nonlinear Periodization Workouts
* Optimal Program Sequencing
* Master Schedules
* Individualization
* Readiness to Train
* Summary

Chapter 5. Workout Design

* Base Program Phase
* Exercise Stimuli
* Standard Workouts
* Active and Total Rest Days
* Summary

Chapter 6. Assessment

* Preexercise Assessments
* Alternative Workouts
* Evaluating Training Progress
* Summary

Chapter 7. Training Tips and Tools

* Training Logs
* Choice of Exercise
* Muscles Exercised
* Muscle Soreness, Tissue Damage and Recovery
* Aging Considerations
* Youth Considerations
* Sex Considerations
* Summary

Chapter 8. Case Studies

About the Authors
Words of Praise
“Dr. Kraemer and Dr. Fleck have once again put a brilliant system together that will benefit both the coach and athlete. The nonlinear system creates simultaneous gains in strength and power by placing the athlete in a position to succeed. It takes the art of coaching and lays a scientific foundation beneath it, thereby maximizing each training session. Athletes can train safely over the long term with dramatic results. We have used this system of training with our team.”

Coach Jon Torine
Head Strength and Conditioning Coach
Indianapolis Colts, Super Bowl XLI Champions…

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