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14 Feb 2008

Physiological responses of soccer players competitions, in cities by above of 2500 m.

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to demonstrate that this premise is certain in simulated competition (SC) in the city of La Paz, to 3627 m. s.n.m. 10 professional soccer players, originating from city at 400 m s.n.m. were studied. Were measurement: A) in laboratory (Lab) VO2Max and the anaeróbic threshold (AT), with a ramp test on treadmill; electrocardiography (EKG)…

Autor(es):Narváez P.G.E.; Flores P. T.; Vargas E y Spielvogel H.

Entidades(es): Centro Olímpico de Alto Rendimiento COAR. Comité Olímpico Ecuatoriano. Guayaquil – Ecuador. Instituto de Biología de Altura. La Paz – Bolivia.

Congreso: I Simposio de Entrenamiento en Altura
Pontevedra: 14-16 de Febrero de 2008
Palabras claves:



to demonstrate that this premise is certain in simulated competition (SC) in the city of La Paz, to 3627 m. s.n.m.


10 professional soccer players, originating from city at 400 m s.n.m. were studied. Were measurement: A) in laboratory (Lab) VO2Max and the anaeróbic threshold (AT), with a ramp test on treadmill; electrocardiography (EKG) and echocardiography (ECHO) of rest and exercise on ergoline. B) in field power of legs (test of Bosco), test indirect of speed and endurance; and a specific test of soccer (TSS). The VO2 in Lab and field was measured with K4b2; the distance and speed with GPS; and the HR with Polar tachometer.


VO2, VEO2, O2Pulso, QT and SV, remain in submaximum levels during the SC of 20 minutes, with a whole distance of 2539 ± 242 m. and one speed of 4 ± 07 m.seg-1. The results of ECHO and test of Bosco, are presented in other paper.


the registries are very similar compared to the obtained one in soccer players at level of the sea; consequently it is possible to be affirmed that the metabolic – functional conditions of the competition in height, they are within of physiological limit, without affecting the state of health of the soccer player. The level performance depends to a great extent on the level of physical fitness of the player, as it demonstrates the hight correlation r=0.87 p<0.001 between the times under the AT and % of VO2Max in which the AT takes place.


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