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12 Abr 2012

The effects of intership on the improvement of qualities of pre-service physical education teachers (Sampllng of ankara unlverslty, school of physlcal educatlon and sports)

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The aim of this study was to examine the effects of ?ntership on the improvement of the qualities of candidate physical education teachers. Altogether 26 senior students taking intership as a required course in Ankara University, School of Physical Education and Sport department during the education year of 2004-2005 were the sample of the study, 13 of them female (%50) and 13male (%50). The mean age for female students was 23 years and the mean age for male students was 24 years.

Autor(es):Esma ?anli, Esma; Tuncel, Semiyha; Funda Koçak, Funda
Entidades(es):Pepublic of Turkey, Ministry of National Education, Ankara, TURKEY, Ankara University , School of Physical Education and Sport, Ankara,TURKEY
Congreso: congreso de la asociación internacional de escuelas superiores de educación física (AIESEP)
Úbeda A Coruña, 26-29 de Octubre de 2010
ISBN: 9788461499465
Palabras claves:improvement of qualities, physical education teacher,

The effects of intership on the improvement of qualities of pre-service physical education teachers (Sampllng of ankara unlverslty, school of physlcal educatlon and sports)


The aim of this study was to examine the effects of ?ntership on the improvement of the qualities of candidate physical education teachers. Altogether 26 senior students taking intership as a required course in Ankara University, School of Physical Education and Sport department during the education year of 2004-2005 were the sample of the study, 13 of them female (%50) and 13male (%50). The mean age for female students was 23 years and the mean age for male students was 24 years. There were no statistical differences in the pre test point of students.

The data collection was utilized by appliying Physical Education Teacher Qualities Questionnaire (PETQQ) developed by Demirhan et all. Questionnaire in which having 24 items were prepared with the base of five type likert scale. (1:strongly disagree, 5: strongly agree.) .PETQQ was applied before and after the intership. Paired Samples t-test was used for statistical analysis. Results indicated that there was a significant development of the candidate teacher qualities after intership. (t,(24)= 2,88, p< .05 ). But it does not mean that, the curriculum of the intership is effective to provide all required qualities for the candidate teachers. For that reason , variables that affecting candidate teachers’ qualities improvement (teacher attitudes, student interaction models, etc.) should be searched.

1. Introduction

The strength of interships program is considered to be the process emphasis and organization rather than presentation of distinctly different subject matter. This process attempts to facilitate the personal and professional growth of the students in addition to helping them acquire the technical skills of teaching (1) Teacher education programs continue to search for alternative field experiences for candidate teachers, it is important to identify appropriate alternative practice teaching opportunities prior to student teaching.

These practice opportunities enable the candidate teachers to plan, teach, and assess student learning on a regular basis before reflecting on the teaching-learning process which has taken place (2) It was concluded that teacher education programs could teach candidate teachers to analyze skills better and that observations in field experiences can integrate well with (the preparation program (3). Results from more controlled settings such as peer teaching lessons, suggest that candidate teachers can improve various teaching behaviors such as feedback, and student outcomes due to teacher educators’ feedback following each lesson (4, 5, 6, 7).It was concluded that a well-supervised field experienced based on appropriate theoretical and content-based methods can allow candidate teachers to overcome any negative socialization effects in a public school teaching experience (8). Related to these information, this paper was designed to show wheather our intership/field experienced programme improve candidate physical education teachers’ qualities or not.

2. Method

2.1 Sample and Design

Altogether 26 senior students taking intership as a required course in Ankara University, School of Physical Education and Sport department during the education year of 2004-2005 were the sample of the study, 13 of them female (%50) and 13male (%50). The mean age for the 13 females was 23 years and the mean age for the 13 males was 24 years. There were no statistical differences in the pre test of subjects. A modification of an experimental pre testpost test design was employed to determine the effect of intership on improving qualities of candidate teachers. 2.2 Measures and Analysis The data collection was utilized by applying Physical Education Teacher Qualities Questionnaire (PETQQ) developed by Demirhan et all. (9). Questionnaire in which having 24 items were prepared with the base of five type likert scale.

These were 1:strongly disagree, 2: disagree, 3: neutral, 4: agree, 5: strongly agree. PETQQ was applied to the subjects at the begining of the semester to get pre-test data. After this, the subjects particaped in internships in the primary and high schools for 14 weeks. While being selected these schools, the facility’s equalities of them were taken into consideration. During the intership, a five hour lesson (one hour teorical, four hour practical) was given to the subjects in a week.

In the teoric class, subjects related to instructional strategies ( how to prepare unit and lesson plan, how to give feedback to the student, how to implicate of learning theory and teaching style, how to use teaching materials in effective ways etc.) were told to the sample, and feedback about the applied classes were debated. In applied classes, the sample taught physical education to the studens like a teacher in the school under supervision. After 14 weeks, PETQQ was applied to the subjects again to get post-test data. All data collected from the study were analyzed with “Paired Samples T-test. Significant difference was set at ?=. 05.

3. Findings

The results of descriptive statistics in relation to qualities of candidate physical education teacher are given at Table 1.

Table 1: Descriptive Statistics ?n Relation To Qualities Of Candidate Physical Education Teacher Before And After ?ntership

Table 1. The effects of intership on the improvement of qualities of pre-service physical education teachers (Sampllng of ankara unlverslty, school of physlcal educatlon and sports)

Contenido disponible en el CD Colección Congresos nº 16


As it is seen from the Table 1, thoughts of candidate teachers related to the mean of qualities of physical education teachers were higher after they participated in intership (x=108,84) than those of them before they participed in intership (x=97,76). The result of pretest-posttest analysis related to the effectivines of intership on the improvement of the qualities of candidate physical education teachers are given at Table 2.

Table 2 : Result Of Pre-Test And Post-Test Analysis Related To The Effectivnes Of ?nternship On The ?mprovement Of The Qualities Of Candidate Physical Education Teachers

Table 2. The effects of intership on the improvement of qualities of pre-service physical education teachers (Sampllng of ankara unlverslty, school of physlcal educatlon and sports)

Contenido disponible en el CD Colección Congresos nº 16


As it is seen from the Table 2, there is a significant development of the candidate teacher qualities between the pretest and postest. This finding can be interpreted that the intership improve the qualities of candidate teachers. (t,(24)= 2,88, p< .05 ).The result of t-test analysis related to gender of candidate physical education teachers is given at Table 3.

Table 3: Result Of T-Test Analysis Related To Gender Of Candidate Physical Education Teachers

Table 3. The effects of intership on the improvement of qualities of pre-service physical education teachers (Sampllng of ankara unlverslty, school of physlcal educatlon and sports)

Contenido disponible en el CD Colección Congresos nº 16


As it is seen from the Table 3, there was a significant differences in regard to gender (t,(24)= 1,721 p0,05). In fact, qualities of female candidate teachers were higher (x=111,84) than those of male (x=105,84)

4. Discussion

In education process, one of the most important factors affecting effective learning is qualities of teachers. Reserarch findings showed that teachers should have cognitive skills of rapid judgement, chunking and differentiation, general pedagogical knowledge (10,11).Teachers have an important role to carry out dynamic education programs. In order to maximize the students’ academic success, the types of teacher behavior, including quantity and pacing of instruction, whole class versus one by one instruction were also identified (12) To do this, teacher should have necessary qualities.

At this point, undergraduate programmes of university have importance. In this programme students should get the basic and necessary knowledge about their profession. For that reason the curriculum of these programme should be arranged to provide all required qualities for the candidate. In this study it was found that intership improved the qualities of candidate teachers.

According to related literature, a wellsupervised field experienced based on appropriate theoretical and content-based methods can allow candidate teachers to overcome any negative effects in a public school, to analyze skills Gender n x sd df t p Female 13 111,84 6,90 24 1,721 0,009 Male 13 105,84 10,50 beter, to observe in field experiences with the preparation program and improve various teaching behaviors (3, 4, 5, 6, 7,13) But it does not mean that, the curriculum of the intership is effective to provide all required qualities for the candidate teachers. For that reason , variables that affecting candidate teachers’ improvement (teacher attitudes, student interaction models, etc.) should be searched.


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