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26 Nov 2009

An application of a tennis battery test to top level international junior players

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Contenido disponible en el CD Colección Congresos nº12.

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Two age groups of elite junior international tennis players we tested using an International Tennis Federation (ITF) test protocol. The ITF Under 18 A Team 6 male (M age 17.6), 5 female (M age 16.7), and team representatives at the under…

Autor(es): Scott Over*, Sandra Roig**, Rafa Martinez**, Miguel Crespo***
Entidades(es): * International Tennis Federation – Development Department ** Universidad de Valencia – Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte. *** International Tennis Federation – Development Department; Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, Facultad de Ciencias Sociosanitarias.
Congreso: I Congreso de Ciencias de Apoyo al Rendimiento Deportivo
Valencia– 26-28 de Noviembre de 2009
ISBN: 978-84-613-6128-1
Palabras claves: test battery, physical assessment, elite junior tennis.

Abstract application of a tennis battery test to top level

Two age groups of elite junior international tennis players we tested using an International Tennis Federation (ITF) test protocol. The ITF Under 18 A Team 6 male (M age 17.6), 5 female (M age 16.7), and team representatives at the under 14 world team cup, 7 males (M age 13.8) and 5 female (M age 13.9). These results were then collated and compared to elite data previously recorded testing elite junior players (Reid, Quinn & Crespo, 2003). The results showed a gradual increase as expected from 14’s-16’s-18’s-Professional. The data provides norms for top ITF Junior Grand Slam players and champions, bridging the gap of knowledge between Under 14 and Professional.

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