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4 May 2006

Factores de eficacia en la estrategia de decisión en jugadores de boccia.estudio comparativo entre jugadores de dos cuadros competitivos diferentes.

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Contenido disponible en el CD Colección Congresos nº1.

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Being Boccia a sport where the technical-tactical abilities prevail over the physical ones, either by the essence of the game or by the population in which its practitioners are set in, it seems interesting to direct the present assignment to its cognitive aspects, as well as the…

Autor(es):Valente, Vera (Master); Botelho, Manuel (Ph); Silva, Maria Adília (Ph) Vasconcelos, O.
Entidades(es): Faculdade de Desporto da Universidade do Porto – Portugal
Congreso: I Congreso Internacional de las Ciencias Deportivas
Pontevedra– 4-6 de Mayo de 2006
ISBN: 84-611-0552-4
Palabras claves: Information processing; General Intelligence; Perceptual Speed; Boccia; Cerebral Palsy; Muscular Dystrophy.

Abstract estudio comparativo entre jugadores de dos cuadros competitivos diferentes.

Being Boccia a sport where the technical-tactical abilities prevail over the physical ones, either by the essence of the game or by the population in which its practitioners are set in, it seems interesting to direct the present assignment to its cognitive aspects, as well as the way these aspects join each other when facing a sportive performance. In the present study we intend to analyse and compare the way the General Intelligence (IG) and the Perceptual Speed (VP) may influence the Boccia players’ sportive performance; evaluate the Boccia players’ IG and VP and compare them according to the school qualifications, the years of sport practice and the obtained results in it; compare the Boccia players’ IG and VP from different competitive levels and different game classes.The sample of this assignment is composed by nineteen players from both genders organised in two groups of different competitive levels: national and international. We used the Raven Progressive Matrixes and the Thurstone Identical Forms Tests to evaluate the General Intelligence and the Perceptual Speed. Although there are no significant statistical differences, the main results are the following: the players from different competitive levels liffer in the obtained results in their IG and VP evaluation; the players having more years of sport practice present lower results in their IG and VP evaluation; the players who have more school qualifications show higher scores in their IG and VP evaluation; the players from different game classes differ in the obtained results in their IG and VP evaluation, pointing out the superiority of class BC4 in both; the players who belong to the National Team show lower scores in their IG evaluation and higher ones in their VP evaluation; these players are faster in the solutions found in their VP evaluation and slower in their VP evaluation.

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