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26 Nov 2009

Technology and tennis: An overview of practical applications for tennis coaching

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Contenido disponible en el CD Colección Congresos nº12.

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The game of tennis is constantly evolving with various formats, rules and techniques. To keep up to date with such changes coaches have to educate themselves using new technology and groundbreaking research to provide quality coaching to their players.

Autor(es): Scott Over*, Rafa Martinez**, Sandra Roig**, Miguel Crespo***
Entidades(es): * International Tennis Federation – Development Department ** Universidad de Valencia – Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte. *** International Tennis Federation – Development Department; Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, Facultad de Ciencias Sociosanitarias.
Congreso: I Congreso de Ciencias de Apoyo al Rendimiento Deportivo
Valencia-26-28 de Noviembre de 2009
ISBN: 978-84-613-6128-1
Palabras claves: Information technology, distance learning, coaches education, performance analysis.


The game of tennis is constantly evolving with various formats, rules and techniques. To keep up to date with such changes coaches have to educate themselves using new technology and groundbreaking research to provide quality coaching to their players. This article reviews technologies currently available including the uses of sports analysis systems such as Dartfish as well as Tennis iCoach. Tennis iCoach is the International Tennis Federation’s project that is designed to act as a user-friendly tool that will help not only coaches but national associations in their quest for quality individualised coaches’ education.


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