Coaches’ Self-perception of Professional Competence – the effect of professional experience and the type of teacher education institution
The performance in any professional domain depends not only on the acquired competence level but also on the self-evaluation of performer competences.
The effects of intership on the improvement of qualities of pre-service physical education teachers (Sampllng of ankara unlverslty, school of physlcal educatlon and sports)
The aim of this study was to examine the effects of ?ntership on the improvement of the qualities of candidate physical education teachers. Altogether 26... Read More
My teaching in physical education is successful without integrating any technology.“ – Integrating technology in physical education from physical education teachers’ view
Physical education as a subject, constitutively dealing with human movement and physical activity, seems to disregard a direct association with digital media at all (Kretschmann,... Read More
Motives to begin physical education studies. Comparative analysis in algeria and wallonia
There are many reasons explaining why students choose one professional project and/or an academic programme. Usually, they consider higher education according to various aspects focusing... Read More
An Intervention of Physical Activity and Health in the Danish Educational System
My name is Børge Koch. I am educated as a grade school teacher (specialised in physical education and geography). After 14 years in the school... Read More
The independent physical activities – premise for the improvement of the preadolescents’ physical fitness
The objectives and the content of the physical education, stipulated by the existing specialized national curriculum, do not always cover the need for movement of... Read More