“Ambiente de aprendizaje y motivación en las clases de educación física: Bases para combatir el sedentarismo y la obesidad”
El objetivo de este trabajo ha consistido en analizar las relaciones entre la percepción del ambiente de aprendizaje y la motivación intrínseca de los alumnos,... Read More
Attitides of high school students toward phydical education (pe) and their sport/activities preferences
This study investigated the current status of attitude toward PE and physical activities preference of the high school students in the public schools within New... Read More
Urban public school principals’ perception about physical education and self-evaluation on their physical education programs
Physical activities in school PE programs have been recognized as ideal paths and environments for developing a healthy lifestyle.
Japanese physical education students’ perceived skills and abilities in teaching physical education
This research investigates the perceived physical education teaching skills and abilities of Japanese physical education (PE) students. The subjects are 119 students who study physical... Read More
My teaching in physical education is successful without integrating any technology.“ – Integrating technology in physical education from physical education teachers’ view
Physical education as a subject, constitutively dealing with human movement and physical activity, seems to disregard a direct association with digital media at all (Kretschmann,... Read More
I learn physical education on the internet
This article is the outcome of an experimental study conducted under a Master’s Degree in Education in the field of Educational Informatics, which has developed... Read More
Methodology of exploring the perception of interpersonal relationships within professional and recreation sport teams in culturally, economically and socially different environments
Regarding the safety of the professional medical rescuers they need to be in an excellent physical condition to be able to do such demanding job... Read More
Actividad física moderada-vigorosa de los adolescentes españoles
A través del presente trabajo se pretende valorar la percepción que tienen los adolescentes sobre el desarrollo de valores en las clases de Educación Física,... Read More
Project of somatotype, muscle assymetrie of the upper and lower limbs and levels of practice of physical activity. A study in children with 6 and 10 years old in the city of Fafe, Portugal.
The description and interpretation of human variability is one of the central points of research in many areas of Anthropology, Medicine and Science of Sports... Read More
“Que relação entre aptidão física e a postura corporal? Estudo realizado em crianças de 10 e 11 anos”
Principalmente nas grandes cidades, as crianças passam grande parte do tempo em espaços de reduzidas dimensões e as suas actividades de lazer pautam-se por uma... Read More
The independent physical activities – premise for the improvement of the preadolescents’ physical fitness
The objectives and the content of the physical education, stipulated by the existing specialized national curriculum, do not always cover the need for movement of... Read More